Wednesday 8 October 2014

Supernatural 'Black' Episode

Well, Supernatural is finally back and it even arrived in style. The cast and crew have been teasing fans with little clues to this new series and have even made a mockumentary, showing fans what they get up to on set.

Demon Dean loves to karaoke.
The first episode was brilliant because it gave little hints to stories that will be developed later on. We see what Dean has been up to all this time and how he has changed from the human dean we all know. There are a couple of comedy moments from Dean when he is singing but we also see how corrupt he has become. He kills and says things without thinking about why he is doing it.

Sam is willing to do anything to find his brother.
Crowley's schemes start to unveil, showing that he is trying to get Dean back into action. We see that he is getting more impatient because Dean refuses to co-operate. A new character is also introduced, a hunter who has a past with Dean and with that ending we can see that this character will develop and the hunter will appear in more episodes, causing more harm and trouble to the Winchesters.

Crowley wants to get back to business.
Of course there is the question of what is going to happen to Castiel and the angels? Seen as though Cas doesn't have his grace and is dying, the real question is how is he going to get back onto his own two feet and be fit enough to help Sam out with Dean? or if he ever is going to get better? There are still many questions to be answered but unfortunately we'll have to wait until next week for that.

Overall, the episode was a great way to kick start the season and opens up so many new stories. Just from the episode we can see that there is still much laughter and pain still yet to come. So keep your eyes opened and tune in next week for the second episode, 'Reichenbach.'

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