Sunday 4 January 2015

Ant-Man Teaser Trailer

Well looks like the Marvel have given the audience a little teaser to the upcoming Ant-Man film. They were very cheeky in releasing an "ant-sized" version where we had to guess what was happening on the tiny screen but finally there is a human version.

I can't wait to see this film and other upcoming Marvel films this year. Paul and Evangeline look like they are definitely going to rock this film and come to the big screen with a boom. In the meantime here is a glimpse of the trailer and stay tuned to Agent carter on tuesday to see the full teaser trailer.

Tuesday 23 December 2014

The Hobbit the Battle of the Five Armies Review

The eagles are coming.
I went to see The Battle of the Five Armies in HFR 3D on the 14th of December. I remembered to pack tissues and to have my heart ripped out. Before i went in i felt nervous and excited to see the last installment of the film. I had waited for that moment for years and it had finally arrived. When the film finished i was in awe and in tears. It had a beautiful and heartbreaking end to the Hobbit and beginning to lord of the rings.

I knew the film was going to be really huge but the scale i had in my mind was nothing compared to what was in the actual film. It was extremely epic and i loved the way Jackson managed to separate the battle from the heart to heart moments. Even though there were two battle scenes, first one being with Smaug, we still got to follow each character and as an audience felt what the characters were feeling. HFR 3D made it feel like you weren't just watching a film but actually in it. To me the world around me disappeared and i was in Middle earth.

Thorin becomes greedy and corrupt. The sickness of the gold has taken over him.
The film wouldn't be complete without its comedic moments and if it wasn't for Alfrid making us laugh, we would be a total mess. He provides us with laughter and smiles between the fighting and heartbreaking scenes. I think Jackson has done really well in balancing the emotions and keeping the audience engaged throughout the entirety of the film.

Having read the books i knew what the overall outcome was so when it came to certain scenes i tried to prepare myself but i burst into tears and couldn't stop shaking. Many fans have said how much they cried. This shows how much the films mean to us and how much they have impacted in our lives and this last Middle Earth film definitely went out with a BANG. I am extremely pleased that a lot from the book was in the film especially certain scenes.

Thranduil has had enough and doesn't want any more elvish blood spilled.
The visual effects were amazing and mind-blowing and of course the soundtrack was absolutely perfect like usual. I couldn't thank everyone who was a part of making these films enough. I am unbelievably grateful for everything they've done. If it wasn't for them i wouldn't have been able to see these epic stories come to life on the big screen. Thank you so much Peter, the cast and crew and to the amazing people and place of New Zealand.

If you haven't seen it i urge you to go and witness the end #OnelastTime. Once wasn't enough for me so i will go watch it again soon.

Bilbo is ready to fight and help his friends.
The battle of the Five Armies is available in lots of different formats in cinemas near you.

Saturday 8 November 2014

The Hobbit battle of the Five Armies Official trailer has been released

After a long time of waiting and teasers of posters during the last couple of weeks, The fans have finally got the main trailer and my what an absolutely brilliant and epic trailer it was. There were so many moments in the trailer which got us excited and very emotional. We can discuss the trailer and see what little clues we have been given but first take another look at it:

1. Thorin gave a promise.        

The trailer starts with Bilbo saying "Thorin you gave a promise" the camera zooms in on all the gold and then moves onto the burning buildings of Laketown. We then see Bard peering through this hole in the Lonely Mountain telling Thorin "you brought upon them only ruin and death." If you remember Thorin promised he would share the gold with the townspeople of Laketown but his intention was never to share all he wanted was to take back Erebor and find the Arkenstone, which Bilbo realizes is corrupting his mind.

2. Thranduil wants something of his.


So why is Thranduil so interested about the gold in the Lonely Mountain? In Desolation of Smaug he told Thorin that there were white jewels in the mountain that he too desired. The white gems. He is known as being greedy but he sees the jewels as a sign that he is a ruler. In the days when the Dwarves lived in Erebor, Thranduil asked them to shape his gold and silver but when it came to paying he refused so the Dwarves took their due and maybe this is what Thranduil is trying to take back.

3. Gandalf and Galadriel in Dol Guldur

In this scene we see that Gandalf is injured and Galadriel comes to help him. Could he be dead? Will Galadriel be the one who saves him and brings him back to life? I guess we won't find out until the film comes out. We also see the Ringwraiths surrounding them in a circle but fortunately Elrond comes to save them. We even get a glimpse of Peter Jackson's cameo:


4. Leave Sauron to me.            

Well Saruman is up to no good. He tells Elrond, who has an injured galadriel resting on his knees, "Leave Sauron to me." By his face you can see that he has some other plans with Sauron than to stop him. This is where we will finally get to have a look at what happens and why Saruman joins Sauron in taking over Middle Earth.

5. Thranduil is angry at Tauriel.

This is the scene that has many members of the fandom talking. At first it seemed that Thranduil cut Tauriel but if you take a closer look at the clip you'll see that Tauriel faces her arrow towards him and he smashes that. The anger on his face indicates that she might be protecting a Dwarf, Perhaps Kili?

6. Could Tauriel die?

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Here we see a wounded Tauriel. It seems that she has been stabbed or hurt in some sort of way because of the blood on her hands and the fact that she is pressing them towards her stomach. We see her confronted by Thranduil and bashed against a wall by Bolg in the trailer. You can see the tears in her eyes as she looks up to someone. Is this where her days as a Silvan Elf come to an end? 

7. Where is Radagast?

We haven't seen Radagast in the Battle of the Five Armies trailers. Where is Radagast and is he dead? Jackson is trying to keep his character secret and wants us to keep guessing. The only way we will find out is when it is released in theatres.

I for one can't wait to see the last Middle Earth film on screen and i'm ready to follow the characters one last time. I will be watching it in HFR 3D just as i watched the others in that format and i know i will definitely be crying so get your tissues ready head down to the cinema. The film is released 12th of December in the UK.

Saturday 18 October 2014

The Hobbit Battle Of The Five Armies images

These past couple of weeks The Hobbit/LOTR pages from twitter and Facebook have been releasing images and banners of the third film. The images have been of various things like the 2015 calendar, banners and posters. Could all these releases of images be clues to us having the official trailer soon? We know that we are meant to be getting the trailer this month according to some sources. So keep your eyes peeled out for it but in the meantime take a look at the new images.

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Gotham On 5

The first episode of Gotham was broadcast  on the 13th and OH MY did it deliver. There was no time to waste. We were thrown into the storyline straight away, seeing some of the famous Gotham villains and heroes such as, Bruce Wayne,Catwoman, Penguin and many more.

James Gordon comforts Bruce after the death of his parents.
We all know that the show is based on James Gordons' character and reveals what's happening to Gotham then and why the Villains become who they are now. We get an insight to Penguins background and at the end of the episode we see that Gordon let's him escape as long as he doesn't stay there.


The first episode was absolutely amazing and i am very excited to see the next one which airs on Monday 20th. We will get to see more of Penguin's evil side and more of Catwoman's story. Overall, the show is brilliantly shot and each character is perfectly captured, creating sympathy for them. So if you love Gotham city and can't wait to find out more about the storyline, don't forget to tune into channel 5.


Saturday 11 October 2014

Exclusive Hobbit Posters are Revealed

During the duration of this week the official Hobbit page have been releasing exclusive new posters of different characters, asking the fans to vote for which character poster they wanted to see next. Here are the tweets and posters. Enjoy.

Exclusive new poster for #TheHobbit ! Who do you want to see next - #Thorin or #Gandalf? Hashtag & tweet your vote!
Gandalf wins! Who do you want to see next - #Tauriel or #Galadriel? Hashtag & tweet your vote.

The fans have chosen Galadriel. Who will be revealed next? Hashtag & tweet your vote for #Legolas or #Thranduil!
In our closest vote yet, Legolas wins today's exclusive banner reveal. Who gets your final vote - #Bilbo or #Bard?
The votes are in - here's your exclusive look at #Bard's new character banner for #TheHobbit!
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“I have the only right.” What is your favorite Thorin quote from #TheHobbit?
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What is your favorite #Tauriel moment? Exclusive new character banner for #TheHobbit featuring !
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. returns as Elvenking #Thranduil in today's exclusive character banner reveal for #TheHobbit!
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Martin Freeman returns one last time as our hero, Bilbo Baggins in #TheHobbit: The Battle of The Five Armies!

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Supernatural 'Black' Episode

Well, Supernatural is finally back and it even arrived in style. The cast and crew have been teasing fans with little clues to this new series and have even made a mockumentary, showing fans what they get up to on set.

Demon Dean loves to karaoke.
The first episode was brilliant because it gave little hints to stories that will be developed later on. We see what Dean has been up to all this time and how he has changed from the human dean we all know. There are a couple of comedy moments from Dean when he is singing but we also see how corrupt he has become. He kills and says things without thinking about why he is doing it.

Sam is willing to do anything to find his brother.
Crowley's schemes start to unveil, showing that he is trying to get Dean back into action. We see that he is getting more impatient because Dean refuses to co-operate. A new character is also introduced, a hunter who has a past with Dean and with that ending we can see that this character will develop and the hunter will appear in more episodes, causing more harm and trouble to the Winchesters.

Crowley wants to get back to business.
Of course there is the question of what is going to happen to Castiel and the angels? Seen as though Cas doesn't have his grace and is dying, the real question is how is he going to get back onto his own two feet and be fit enough to help Sam out with Dean? or if he ever is going to get better? There are still many questions to be answered but unfortunately we'll have to wait until next week for that.

Overall, the episode was a great way to kick start the season and opens up so many new stories. Just from the episode we can see that there is still much laughter and pain still yet to come. So keep your eyes opened and tune in next week for the second episode, 'Reichenbach.'