Tuesday 23 December 2014

The Hobbit the Battle of the Five Armies Review

The eagles are coming.
I went to see The Battle of the Five Armies in HFR 3D on the 14th of December. I remembered to pack tissues and to have my heart ripped out. Before i went in i felt nervous and excited to see the last installment of the film. I had waited for that moment for years and it had finally arrived. When the film finished i was in awe and in tears. It had a beautiful and heartbreaking end to the Hobbit and beginning to lord of the rings.

I knew the film was going to be really huge but the scale i had in my mind was nothing compared to what was in the actual film. It was extremely epic and i loved the way Jackson managed to separate the battle from the heart to heart moments. Even though there were two battle scenes, first one being with Smaug, we still got to follow each character and as an audience felt what the characters were feeling. HFR 3D made it feel like you weren't just watching a film but actually in it. To me the world around me disappeared and i was in Middle earth.

Thorin becomes greedy and corrupt. The sickness of the gold has taken over him.
The film wouldn't be complete without its comedic moments and if it wasn't for Alfrid making us laugh, we would be a total mess. He provides us with laughter and smiles between the fighting and heartbreaking scenes. I think Jackson has done really well in balancing the emotions and keeping the audience engaged throughout the entirety of the film.

Having read the books i knew what the overall outcome was so when it came to certain scenes i tried to prepare myself but i burst into tears and couldn't stop shaking. Many fans have said how much they cried. This shows how much the films mean to us and how much they have impacted in our lives and this last Middle Earth film definitely went out with a BANG. I am extremely pleased that a lot from the book was in the film especially certain scenes.

Thranduil has had enough and doesn't want any more elvish blood spilled.
The visual effects were amazing and mind-blowing and of course the soundtrack was absolutely perfect like usual. I couldn't thank everyone who was a part of making these films enough. I am unbelievably grateful for everything they've done. If it wasn't for them i wouldn't have been able to see these epic stories come to life on the big screen. Thank you so much Peter, the cast and crew and to the amazing people and place of New Zealand.

If you haven't seen it i urge you to go and witness the end #OnelastTime. Once wasn't enough for me so i will go watch it again soon.

Bilbo is ready to fight and help his friends.
The battle of the Five Armies is available in lots of different formats in cinemas near you.


  1. I agree, how Jackson separated the deep moments and action packed moments was amazing, that balance it what makes the Hobbit films accessible to so many different audiences. Great article!

  2. Thank you :) Peter was great in creating all those emotions whilst the battle was going on. There were moments where i was laughing and crying at the same time haha
